The Nightly News II by Candy Chang + James A Reeves
❝ The Nightly News is a participatory installation that invites visitors to delve into the scenes of anxiety, desire, and possibility that fill our heads each night. Devoted to the intensely private yet universal symbols delivered to us each night by forces beyond our control, The Nightly News shows us that we’re all deeply weird creatures bound together by nerves, fantasy, and the unknown. ❞ *

❝ The California-based Eva Lucidity approaches electronic music production with a beginner’s mind, saying, “I find making electronic music with simple software a little fraudulent. But, hey — if anything creates music, I believe it’s worth going for.” Eva initially arrived via the bass guitar; her talents applied to the west coast band The Catholic Comb. On stage, an anti-charismatic demeanor defiantly leads to recognition as ‘most charismatic.’ Perhaps this contradictory ethos finds its roots in The Cure, a starting point for exploring the sounds of Lucidity. One can hear the magnet draw of Mr. Smith’s familiar project in Radiation, especially in its tumultuous Faith era. Moods are rampant. ❞ *

Cecil Taylor in Imagine The Sound (Ron Mann, 1981)