Godley + Creme – Mondo Video Part II
Godley + Creme – Mondo Video Part II
Godley + Creme – Mondo Video Part I
❝ Chemical Somnia is a cross-continental collaboration between filmmaker Scott Portingale and composer Gorkem Sen. The film transports the viewer into chemical dimensions, exploring phase transition, fluid dynamics, and chemical reactions. Timelapse and high speed photography were used on a macro scale to capture these elemental relationships in less than a square inch area on a petri dish. ❞ *
❝ My favorite imagery to create was the metal displacement sequences. A replacement reaction occurs when a metal-aqueous liquid and a solid metal are paired. In Chemical Somnia, I used zinc and an aqueous compound, silver nitrate. This reaction to an unaided eye doesn’t look like much but under a small amount of magnification, a rich textured world emerges. When looking into the monitor a sense of awe is definitely present. Events like this are happening around us all the time beyond the narrow reach of our unaided senses. ❞ *