❝ What distinguishes Lee Seung Jio’s work from the older generation and from his contemporaries is his synthesis of geometric abstraction and optical illusion. Essentially, he rejected the monochromatic painting of the earlier generation and went his own way. His independence and all that it signifies has yet to be fully recognized in the global art world. ❞ *

❝ For all of the artist’s repetition and use of a signature form, each painting has a distinctive configuration, in tandem with a sense of deliberation. He is not just filling in a pre-established grid or set vocabulary of forms with different colors — something more crucial than a color choice is going on in these works, and the hypnotic spell they cast on us is addressed to something more crucial than optical effects. That, I would argue, is what makes these paintings philosophical mediations on what a society means when it claims to be committed to progress. ❞ *