October 24, 2022 Reading → The KLF: Chaos, Magic and the Band Who Burned a Million Pounds → Scientists Have Developed a New Explanation for Consciousness → 10 Better Ways to Store All Your Spices Listening → A Legendary World-Builder on Multiverses, Revolution and the ‘Souls’ of Cities → Ui – “Spilling” https://memora8ilia.com/index.php/2022/10/24/reading-3/
October 21, 2022 Reading → What on earth is going on with Elon Musk and Ukraine? → Why is this interesting?: The Blue Hole Edition → ‘My dream had died’: XTC’s Andy Partridge on mental illness, battling the music industry and losing his muse → Are We Past Peak Newsletter? → The Very, Very Lucrative World of Lying Listening → Lady Aicha & Pisko Crane’s Original Fulu Miziki of Kinshasa – N’Djila Wa Mudujimu → Kovacs The Hun – Self Isolation → Patrick Shiroishi – Evergreen Watching → Low Cost Meals, Even Students Could Make → Sirens (Official Trailer) → Boston We witnessin’ a baby whale kid Signing → Keep WUSF All Night Jazz on air https://memora8ilia.com/index.php/2022/10/21/media-diet-oct21-2022/