❝ The way I make my collages can provide some insight into my usual creative process. Whether it’s writing a script, making a piece of music, or shooting a film, I’m always drawn toward variations and repetitions. Very often with all of these forms, I try to place seemingly disparate elements beside one another. I always start by gathering materials for quite a long time that relate to some idea that I’m starting to form. Once I have enough of these things gathered, then I sit down and, say, write a script out of them. It’s not exactly the same procedure between each medium, but my work is definitely defined by this process of gathering before making.
I saw William Burroughs make his journals and scrapbooks while I was working on the set [of Burroughs: The Movie (1983)]. They were all cutups and a kind of re-manipulation of information, both images and words. He and Brion Gysin used these methods to construct their own texts. Seeing this firsthand impacted the way I work and, of course, the collages I’m making today. ❞ *
Jim Jarmusch on Creative Process, Early Influences, and Pandemic Inspirations